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Our Why at
Ottawa Chiropractic & Natural Health Centre

woman listening to doctorYou know what we do and how we do it, but do you know why we do it?

Health by Choice – Not by Chance©

We believe in Health by Choice – Not by Chance©. Does society know everything there is to know about health? Absolutely not. Do we know more than enough to be far healthier than we are? Absolutely yes. Society has been misled to think that poor health is due to bad genes, bad germs and bad luck. The science clearly shows that this is not true and that you have more control over your health than you have been led to believe. True health is not found in more drugs, removing body parts or waiting for the latest miracle cure – it’s found in you and the actions you take or fail to take on a daily basis. Imagine how much better the world would be for everyone if we were all healthier.

Our Core Values

That’s why our core values, Leadership, Trust, Integrity, Truth and Human Health Potential, and Our Why, guide everything that we do in our health centre. It’s also why we’ll never stop teaching you how to achieve and maintain true health over the course of your lifetime. There is one catch, however; you have to want it, invest in it, and make the effort to achieve it – and yes – you have to do it for the rest of your life.

Reach Out to us Today

We invite you to take the opportunity to learn more about what we do. Reach out to our team to schedule your appointment.



New Patients at Ottawa Chiropractic & Natural Health Centre | (613) 688-1036